Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Clouds are no longer grey

Apology is due.

I took off the last post and along with it, went the comments that spelt concern. There are a couple of reasons why I deleted it- well, for starters, it was just too damn negative and that goes by and large against the spirit of the blog- I definitely won't like to read this five years down the line and there's a fat chance that I'd get misty eyed about getting so neurotic.

The cyber life offers an 'undo' option and I'd have been a fool to ignore it.

It's only too clear that a horrid post like that could have impacted my friends enough for even innocent status messages to appear sinister. To be fair, my status message on gtalk reads: (Ready to face my worst fear in 2 weeks). Since it was so close on the heels to the whole post and the randomness in my behavior, I did get some very anxious queries on what the hell the matter was. So that's the second reason- I do not want to worry people who matter to me, especially since I got over the whiney mood after a mere 12 hrs of posting and subsequent deletion.

Incidentally, if you are wondering, the worst fear bit alludes to Bungee jumping which I shall force myself to do in NZ! It's my worst fear and well, action cures fear or so I've read. Time to test the theory- even if I sacrifice myself in the process!! :P

The grey clouds have parted and the silver lining is that I finally got down to putting together my list of "30 Before 30" (things to do before I turn 30). Even if it lacks the grand vision of life, it does give me a sense of purpose and hey, who doesnt like ticking things off their To-do list? That these are things that I will do to make self happy just doubles the joy of the tick mark :)

What are those 30 things? As policy that governs these lists dictates, I shall act first and gloat later. So if you hear me talk about weird stuff that I'm about to do, there's a high chance that it's because it's on the list. Or it could just be me being crazy!
You take care too.


Anuradha Sridhar said...

So this explains it. I did not find a new post after I thought I saw an update on your blog! NZ = New Zealand?!

SD said...

Hey, happy to see you all cheery and your usual self again. All the best with the list.My to-do says.... make one. ;) Quite a world traveller you have become, and after the NZ trip, there better be proper, detailed reporting about it on this blog, not like the Europe tour diaries, that are still pending!!!!!

Quirky Quill said...

Anu: yes, NZ- New Zealand=less than 9 days away.
GM: Yaar, i've been reading your blog and leaving comments but the darn verification thing never works. I loved the jungle btw.Also, there are only 3-4 posts on the Europe trip pending. This week, pakka.